Tag: Speaker Hall

    Wilson Times: Speaker Hall Sets Transparent Tone for NC House Term

    An editorial from The Wilson Times Color-coded calendars highlighting workdays, vacation days and deadlines are old hat for public school districts in Wilson County and...

    Meet Destin Hall, New NC House Speaker

    By Mebane Rash and Mary Ann Wolf for EducationNC and as appearing in the Wilkes Journal-Patriot Destin Hall (R-Caldwell), North Carolina’s 121st House speaker, is...

    Speaker Hall Announces Helene Recovery Committee

    In one of his first acts as the newly-elected Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, Speaker Destin Hall today announced the formation...

    The House Comes to Order for the 2025-26 Biennium

    by CLC Staff History was made in Raleigh yesterday as the 157th Biennium of the North Carolina House of Representatives convened for its opening day....


    Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment

    By Hans A. von Spakovsky for the Heritage Foundation What’s...

    NC Moves Toward Constitutional Carry

    by Luke McCoy for USA Carry A major pro-Second Amendment bill...

    Trump Mandate Forces Entire UNC System to Immediately Suspend DEI Course Requirements

    By Andrew R. Jones for the Asheville Watchdog The University...

    Rep. Jones: Hurricane Recovery Biggest Sham Ever on North Carolina Taxpayers

    By David Beasley for The Center Square Calling it the...