Legislative Leadership Reaches Agreement on Additional Spending

    By CLC Staff

    North Carolina legislative leaders reached an agreement this week on a “mini budget” proposal to address funding needs across the state. The House and Senate will vote next week on a conference report that includes the following:

    “As North Carolina families grapple with rising costs and economic uncertainty thanks to the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration, it is our responsibility as lawmakers to remain committed to responsible spending and economic growth,” said House Speaker Tim Moore. “This mini-budget agreement will fund our K-12 and community college enrollment growth, clear the Opportunity Scholarship waitlist to expand school choice to all North Carolina’s families, will increase funding to keep our Medicaid system fully funded, and will authorize new rural broadband expansion across the state.”

    “With the inclusion of House Bill 10, we are also reinforcing the rule of law currently ignored by the Biden-Harris administration by requiring sheriffs to cooperate with ICE, strengthening our public safety and protecting our communities,” he continued.

    The conference report for House Bill 10 includes $248 million nonrecurring to clear the Opportunity Scholarship waitlist for the current school year, and $215.5 million recurring for scholarship awards in the 2025-26 fiscal year. It also includes $24.7 million recurring to clear the ESA+ waitlist for children with disabilities.

    The funding would be retroactive to the beginning of this school year. Families would be eligible for a tuition reimbursement from their school.

    Beyond the necessary funding to clear the school choice program waitlists, the agreement includes additional funding for the following:

    • $64 million recurring for Community College enrollment growth
    • $95 million recurring for K-12 enrollment increases
    • $277 million recurring and $100 million nonrecurring for Medicaid
    • $150 million for major transportation improvements at the Randolph County megasite

    “Families across North Carolina made it clear that they want a greater say in their child’s education. Whether you’re a single parent, a young family, or in a military household, educational freedom should be attainable for all,” commented Senate Leader Phil Berger. “This agreement addresses the increased demand for Opportunity Scholarships and includes the necessary funding for public school enrollment increases.”

    A copy of the bill can be found here.

    The Senate will return to Raleigh for votes on Monday, September 9 at noon and the House will vote on Wednesday, September 11th at 2pm.
