CLC Staff

    437 POSTS

    Exclusive articles:

    NC’s Corporate Income Tax is Nation’s Lowest

    by CLC Staff A new report by the Tax Foundation finds that North Carolina’s 2.5% corporate income tax is now the lowest in the nation....

    House Committee Assignments Announced

    by CLC Staff House Speaker Tim Moore announced the composition of 44 committees and subcommittees last week for the 2023 'long session.' Each legislator is...

    The House Will Come to Order

    by CLC Staff History was made in Raleigh last week as the 156th Biennium of the North Carolina House of Representatives convened for its opening...

    The State of the State is Pretty Darn Great

    by CLC Staff A new year, another win for the Old North State. After a record number of new jobs and capital investments, Business Facilities...

    The Tax Man Cometh and Never Really Leaveth

    by CLC Staff How much does the average American household pay in Taxes? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Americans spent as much...


    From the Tractor (March Edition)

    by North Carolina’s Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler from his...

    House Advances Pledge of Allegiance Bill

    By David N. Bass for The Carolina Journal State lawmakers...

    How Will NC Avoid Repeat Of Post-Hurricane Rebuilding Delays, Lawmakers Ask

    By Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan for the Raleigh News & Observer Good...

    A State Tax Cut-Filled First Quarter for 2025

    By Patrick Gleason for Forbes The U.S. Census Bureau...