CLC Staff

    442 POSTS

    Exclusive articles:

    EV Charger Company Promises 200 Jobs in Durham Paying $128K on Average

    By Kevin Ellis for Business North Carolina A developer of electric vehicle charging stations will bring more than 200 jobs paying average salaries of $128,457 to...

    NC Ranks in Top Ten State Economies

    By Chyna Blackmon for the Charlotte Observer A lot of factors go into making a strong economy, and according to a new report, North Carolina has...

    When Heroes Saved the World

    What follows is the speech delivered by President Ronald Reagan at the Pointe du Hoc Ranger Monument in Normandy, France on June 6, 1984,...

    A Victory at the North Carolina Supreme Court

    From the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce We write for the second time in as many business days to again promote the work of the...

    Our Bumpy Election Ride Poll, Part Two

    Last week, we posted the first part of our analysis of a new poll which we commissioned with the Carolina Partnership for Reform. The...


    Governor Stein Gives his First State of the State Address, Speaker Hall Responds

    By Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan and Avi Bajpai for the Raleigh News...

    Report: North Carolina will be 7th Most Populous State by 2030

    By Lucille Sherman for Axios Raleigh North Carolina is on...

    Family Ties: IDD Caucus Finds Inspiration Close to Home

    By Matthew Sasser for EdNC. This story was originally written...