CLC Staff

    442 POSTS

    Exclusive articles:

    Global TransPark Breaks Ground on Facility Slated for Incoming FRCE Workload

    From the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service Leaders and stakeholders broke ground for a new Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) maintenance, repair and overhaul complex...

    NC’s May Employment Figures Released

    Source: North Carolina Department of Commerce Raleigh, N.C. - The state’s seasonally adjusted May 2024 unemployment rate was 3.6 percent, increasing 0.1 of a percentage...

    One-on-One with North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore

    North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore joined host Ben Thompson of WCNC Charlotte's Flashpoint on Sunday morning to talk about teacher raises, Opportunity Scholarships,...

    Outdoor Recreation & Summer Camps’ Economic Impact

    By Randee Brown for Outdoor Recreation According to Riverbird Research, the number of jobs in the region’s outdoor-related industries (Modified Purdue Cluster Definition) increased over...

    FEE’s Kerry McDonald: No, We Don’t Need Federal Homeschooling Standards

    By Kerry McDonald for the Foundation for Economic Education Some of you may remember that four years ago this week I debated Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth...


    Governor Stein Gives his First State of the State Address, Speaker Hall Responds

    By Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan and Avi Bajpai for the Raleigh News...

    Report: North Carolina will be 7th Most Populous State by 2030

    By Lucille Sherman for Axios Raleigh North Carolina is on...

    Family Ties: IDD Caucus Finds Inspiration Close to Home

    By Matthew Sasser for EdNC. This story was originally written...