Free Enterprise Foundation Releases 2023-24 Legislative Business Ratings

    The North Carolina Free Enterprise Foundation (NCFREE) released its annual Legislative Business Ratings (LBR) last week. The group provides non-partisan analysis of the political landscape and its impact on North Carolina’s business environment.

    These ratings equip business leaders, the media, and the public with a tool to assess whether a lawmaker is generally favorable towards free enterprise or not.

    This analytical assessment of the business disposition of all state House and Senate members is based on confidential input from a group of more than 300 business leaders, business trade association executives and government affairs professionals. The survey pool represents a diverse cross-section of business interests, with geographic diversity as well as and an appropriate array relative to company size and scope, and industry sectors.

    Legislators are rated using three criteria: 1) an objective component, which evaluates how each lawmaker voted on free enterprise legislation; 2) a subjective component, which surveys free enterprise leaders with extensive knowledge of the legislature, including business leaders, trade association executives, and government affairs professionals; and 3) a bill sponsorship component, which assesses the net number of bills a lawmaker sponsored that favor free enterprise.

      According to the report, Republican members of the North Carolina House of Representatives scored an average of 97.3%, while their Democratic counterparts scored an average of 31.6%. In the state Senate, Republicans scored an average of 97.6%, while Democrats scored an average of 28.4%.

      2023-24 House Legislative Business Ratings

      For the Senate ratings, a thorough explanation of the methodology behind the scores (including pertinent legislation), and a complete analysis of its data, one may view NCFREE’s entire report here. To read CLC’s detailed analysis of House members from April of this year, click here.
