Natural Disasters

    House Passes Fourth Round of Disaster Relief

    Yesterday, legislators from the North Carolina House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the fourth round of hurricane relief measures. House Bill 47, the “Disaster Recovery Act...

    HUD Rejects Asheville’s Helene Recovery Plan Because of its DEI Targets

    BY Filip Timotija for The Hill The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rejected Hurricane Helene repair efforts in Asheville, N.C., because the city’s...

    How Will NC Avoid Repeat Of Post-Hurricane Rebuilding Delays, Lawmakers Ask

    By Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan for the Raleigh News & Observer Good morning and welcome to the Under the Dome newsletter. I’m Dawn Baumgartner Vaughan, our Capitol bureau chief.  Thursdays are...

    Troxler: NC #1 State at Risk for Wildfires

    Following the wildfires that ravaged western North Carolina over the weekend, Steve Troxler, Commissioner of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS),...
