
    Biden’s Tough Path in North Carolina Worsens After Debate

    By Steve Holland and Stephanie Kelly for Reuters as appearing in U.S. News & World Report U.S. President Joe Biden's uphill battle to win North...

    Our Bumpy Election Ride Poll, Part Two

    Last week, we posted the first part of our analysis of a new poll which we commissioned with the Carolina Partnership for Reform. The...

    New CLC Poll Predicts a Bumpy Election Ride

    Last month, the Carolina Leadership Coalition and the Carolina Partnership for Reform commissioned Meeting Street Insights to conduct a statewide survey of registered voters...

    More Than 200,000 People On North Carolina Voter Rolls ‘Missing’ ID Numbers

    By Brianna Lyman for The Federalist North Carolina voter data lists more than 224,000 people with registration dates after January 2004 whose records are “missing”...
