
    NC Tech Jobs Poised to Climb 10.5% in Next Five Years, Eighth Highest Growth Rate in the US

    By Chris Burritt for BusinessNC The latest annual report by the Raleigh-based NC TECH Association said that the industry has 323,199 workers or 6.7% of the state’s...

    Duke Energy Recognized as One of the World’s Most Admired Companies for Fourth Year in a Row

    Duke Energy has been recognized by Fortune magazine as one of the World's Most Admired Companies for 2025. This is the eighth consecutive year...

    North Carolina Christmas Trees Weathered the Storm

    By Julie Hayworth-Perman for NC State Cooperative Extension The Christmas season is here. And like the Grinch in Dr. Seuss’ 1957 classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Hurricane...

    Holidays Bring Uncertainty for Christmas Tree Farmers

    By Chris Burritt for BusinessNC As they’ve done for many years, western North Carolina’s Christmas tree farmers are starting to ship millions of Fraser firs...
