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    406 POSTS

    Exclusive articles:

    Maximum Speed Limit in North Carolina Could be Raised if New Bill Passes

    By Luke Tucker for WBTV A bipartisan group of lawmakers proposed increasing the maximum speed limit in North Carolina this week. A bill was filed in the North Carolina...

    UNC System President Recommends No Increase to In-State Tuition for 9th Year in a Row

    By Sydnee Scofield for ABC 11 WTVD Across the 16 public universities governed by the UNC System, President Peter Hans is recommending keeping tuition flat...

    National Association of Scholars Publish Plan to Fix U.S. Department of Education

    The National Association of Scholars (NAS) has launched a new report, Waste Land—The Education Department’s Profligacy, Mediocrity, and Radicalism. The report details the Department of...

    Senate Passes Bill to Rein in Healthcare Costs

    On Wednesday, the North Carolina Senate approved Senate Bill 24, which seeks to rein in the sky-high costs of healthcare in the state.  A recent Forbes study...

    Bill Would Restrict Cell Phones in Class

    By Emily Walkenhorst for WRAL North Carolina lawmakers want to require every public school in the state to prohibit the use of cellphones and other...


    Lawmakers Push to Ban China from Buying up Land in North Carolina

    By Brianna Kraemer for The Carolina Journal Republicans in the...

    NC Tech Jobs Poised to Climb 10.5% in Next Five Years, Eighth Highest Growth Rate in the US

    By Chris Burritt for BusinessNC The latest annual report by the Raleigh-based...

    NC Auditor Launches Floor-to-Ceiling Review of DMV, Honoring Campaign Pledge

    By Jack Hagel for WRAL News North Carolina’s top government watchdog...

    State Lawmakers Propose Their Own DOGEs To Rein In Government Spending

    By Patrick Gleason for Forbes Most national media outlets have...