Ag. Department Commissioner Steve Troxler’s “From the Tractor” (September Edition)

    by North Carolina’s Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler from his September column “From the Tractor” for the department’s monthly newsletter the Agricultural Review:

    Back in July, we hosted government and military leaders from Malawi and Zambia to North Carolina as part of a state partnership between the African countries, the U.S. Department of Defense, N.C. National Guard and the department.

    During their visit, they were able to meet with campus leaders at N.CA&T University, Cooperative Extension staff and members of my team here at the department to learn more about research projects conducted by the university and the outreach work of the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service.

    The team was able to tour the University Farm’s dairy unit including an automated milking system, a high tunnel horticultural space, plus beef and poultry units as part of their visit.

    Members of my marketing division as well as our executive team visited these African countries earlier this year as part of the partnership and during the exchange they were able to see how important agriculture is to their countries. The African leaders are interested in being able to increase production to be able to feed their citizens.

    In meeting with their leaders, I was reminded of how we are more alike than different and how important being able to feed yourself is to your national security.

    Agriculture is vital for the rural livelihoods of both nations. In both Zambia and Malawi, agriculture Is a major source of employment and economic driver. Both countries are implementing policies and initiatives to enhance ag productivity; however, the governments implementing these policies will face many challenges.

    That’s where assistance is needed and where we have been asked to help.

    Sharon and I were proud to host the visiting delegation to a special dinner at our farm, where our commodity groups and Got to Be NC members provided some of North Carolina’s best food and beverage products. It was a good evening, highlighted by a very moving performance of Amazing Grace where attendees joined with the Wells Family of Johnston County in singing this special song.

    It was a great evening of fellowship and sharing.
